5611 DIGITAL MODE OPERATIONDD Tx message programmingAt least one of the Tx message channels must be pro-grammed, if you want to use the GPS message. The GPSmessage is transmitted from Tx message channels.q While in OPTION SET MODE, push [YY] or [ZZ] several timesto select “tXm,” then push and hold [0• OPT ] for 1 sec. toedit the message indication, and then rotate [VOL] to se-lect the message channel.• One of either “C1” to “C6” blinks.w Push [YY] to select message programming mode.• The 1st digit blinks and channel indication stops blinking.e Rotate [VOL] to set the desired character.r Push [YY] to select 2nd digit, then rotate [VOL] to selectthe desired character.• 2nd digit blinks (1st digit stop blinking).• Repeat this step for programming.t Push [0• OPT] to save the message.y Repeat steps w to t to set another message channels.u Push [✱•ENT ] (or [D• CLR ]) to exit OPTION SET MODE.• Available charactersDD Rx message indicationWhen an individual station call with message is received, themessage can be stored into the Rx message record, up to 6records and each record can indicate a message of up to 20characters. The oldest record is overwritten when anothermessage is received.q While in OPTION SET MODE, push [YY] or [ZZ] several timesuntil “RXm” appears.w Push and hold [0• OPT] for 1 sec. to edit the message indi-cation, and then rotate [VOL] to select the messagerecored.• One of either “C1” to “C6” blinks.e Push [YY] (or [ZZ]) to scroll the message.• Push [ZZ] or [YY] to move the cursor to left or right, respectively.r Push [✱•ENT ] (or [D• CLR ]) to exit OPTION SET MODE.(3)(D)(N)(X)(+)(4)(E)(O)(Y)(–)(”)(5)(F)(P)(Z)(✱)(6)(G) (Q)(/) (7)(H) (R)(,)(8)(I) (S)(space)(9)(T)(0)(A)(U)(1)(B)(V)(2)(C)(J) (K) (L) (M)(W)(.)( ))(( )(’)(&)( % )($)(#)(!)(<)(:) (;) (=) (>) (?) (@)([) (\) (]) (^)