124 BASIC OPERATIONReceiving and transmitting■CAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna will damagethe transceiver.Hold down [PWR](Dial) to turn ON the power.qSet the audio and squelch levels. (p. 14)wFirst, open the squelch. Then, adjust the audio output➥level. After that, adjust the squelch level until the noisejust disappears.Change the channel group. (p. 10)ePush [r ∫](CH)/[√](CH) to select a channel. (pp. 9, 10) •Pushing[Y]/[Z] on the microphone also selects a channel. •Whenreceivingasignal,“ ” appears and audio is heard. •Furtheradjustmentofthevolumelevelmaybenecessary.Push [LO/DX] to turn the receive Attenuator function ONtor OFF, if necessary. •OnlyU.S.A.andAustralianversiontransceivers. •“LOCAL”appearswhenthereceiveAttenuatorfunctionisON.Push [HI/LO] to select the output power, if necessary.y •“25W”appearswhenhighpowerisselected,and“1W”appearswhen low power is selected. •Chooselowpowerforshortrangecommunications,choosehighpower for longer distance communications. •Somechannelsareforonlylowpower.Hold down [PTT] to transmit, then speak at your normaluvoice level. •“ ” appears. •Channel70cannotbeusedfortransmissionotherthanDSC.Release [PTT] to receive.iSimplex channels, 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83 CANNOTbe lawfully used by the general public in U.S.A. waters.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your transmit-ted signal, pause a few seconds after pushing [PTT], holdthe microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) from your mouthand speak at a normal voice level.NOTE for the TOT (Time-out Timer) function✓The TOT function inhibits continuous transmission beyond apreset time period after the transmission starts.10 seconds before transmission is cutoff, a beep sounds toindicate the transmission will be shut down and “TOT” ap-pears in the channel name field. Transmission is not possiblefor 10 seconds after this shut down.Microphonet y qwiur yr