849 CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCEMB-132 installation■An optional MB-132 flush mount is available for mounting thetransceiver to a flat surface, such as an instrument panel.KEEP the transceiver and microphone at least 1 meteraway from your vessel’s magnetic navigation compass.Using the template on page 81, carefully cut a hole intoqthe instrument panel, or wherever you plan to mount thetransceiver.Slide the transceiver through the hole, as shown below.wAttach the clamps on either side of the transceiver with 2eM5 × 8 mm supplied bolts. •Makesurethattheclampsalignparalleltothetransceiverbody.Tighten the end bolts on the clamps (clockwise) so that therclamps press firmly against the inside of the instrumentcontrol panel.Tighten the locking nuts (counterclockwise) so that thettransceiver is securely mounted in position, as shown be-low.Connect the antenna and power cable, then return the in-ystrument control panel to its original place.rt