237DSC OPERATION12345678910111213141516Distress call■A Distress call should be transmitted if, in the opinion of theMaster, the ship or a person is in distress and requires im-mediate assistance.NEVER MAKE A DISTRESS CALL IF YOUR SHIP OR APERSON IS NOT IN AN EMERGENCY. A DISTRESSCALL SHOULD BE MADE ONLY WHEN IMMEDIATEHELP IS NEEDED.Simple callD While lifting up the key cover, hold down [DISTRESS] for 3qseconds to transmit the Distress call. •Whileholdingdown[DISTRESS],countdownbeepssoundandboth the key and display backlighting blink. •DSC channel (Channel 70) is automatically selected and theDistress call is transmitted.After transmitting the call, the transceiver waits for an ac-wknowledgment call. •The Distress call is automatically transmitted every 3.5 to 4.5minutes, until an acknowledgement is received (‘Call repeat’mode), or DSC Cancel call is made (p. 26). •Push[RESEND]tomanuallytransmittheDistressrepeatcall. •Push [Ω]/[≈] then push [INFO] to display the transmitted Dis-tress call information. •Push[Ω]/[≈] then push [PAUSE] to pause the ‘Call repeat’ mode,push [RESUME] to resume it.After receiving the acknowledgment, push [ALARM OFF]ethen reply using the microphone.A distress alert default contains:➥ •Natureofdistress :Undesignateddistress •Positioninformation:The latest GPS or manual input positionis held for 23.5 hours, or until the power isturned OFF.