477DSC OPERATION12345678910111213141516When no GPS receiver is connected, and both position andtime have been manually programmed, the screen shownbelow appears. Edit your latitude and longitude position andUTC time as follows:Push [CHG], then edit your latitude and longitude posi-➥tion and UTC time. •SelectadesirednumberusingDial,or[Y]/[Z]/[Ω]/[≈]. •Push[ENT]orDialtosetit. •Tomovethecursor,selecteitherarrow,“←” or “→,” then push[ENT] or Dial. •SelectN(Northlatitude)orS(Southlatitude)whenthecursoris on the ‘N’ or ‘S’ position. •SelectW(Westlongitude)orE(Eastlongitude)whenthecur-sor is on the ‘W’ or ‘E’ position.