307 DSC OPERATIONTransmitting an Individual AcknowledgementDWhen receiving an Individual call, you can transmit an ac-knowledgement (‘Able to Comply,’ ‘Propose New Channel’ or‘Unable to Comply’) by using the on-screen prompts (QuickACK.) Also, you can send an acknowledgement through theMENU system (Manual ACK.)Quick ACK:When an Individual call is received, beeps sound and theqscreen below is displayed.Push [ALARM OFF] to stop the beeps.Push [ACK].wSelect one of three options, then push [ENT].e •Push[EXIT]toreturntothenormaloperatingmode. •Push[BACK]toreturntothepreviousscreen. •AbletoComply :Makeanacknowledgmentcallwithoutany changes. •UnabletoComply :Youcannotmakeacommunication.The Acknowledgement call (‘Unable toComply’) can be automatically trans-mitted, if set. See page 60 for details. •ProposeNewChannel :You can make an acknowledgementcall, but you specify the intership chan-nel. Select a desired intership channel,using Dial, or [Y](CH)/[Z](CH), thenpush [ENT].