134BASIC OPERATION12345678910111213141516Call channel programming■You can program the Call channel with your most often-usedchannel in each channel group for quick recall.Select the desired channel group (INT, USA, ATIS or DSC)qto be programmed. (p. 10)Hold down [16/C] for 1 second to select the Call channel ofwthe selected channel group. •“CALL”andtheCallchannelnumberappear.Hold down [16/C] again for 3 seconds (until a long beepechanges to 2 short beeps) to enter the Call channel pro-gramming mode.Rotate Dial or push [r ∫](CH)/[√](CH) to select a channel.Push [ENT] to program the displayed channel as the Calltchannel. •Push[CLEAR]tocancel.Channel name programming■Each channel can be assigned a unique alphanumeric ID ofup to 10 characters.Capital letters, 0 to 9, some symbols (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , – ./[\]^_:;<=>?)andaspacecanbeinput.Push [q ∫](CH)/[√](CH) to select a channel. •First, cancel the Dualwatch,Tri-watch or Scan function, if acti-vated.Push [NAME] to open the channel name programmingwscreen. •Acursorisdisplayedontheirstcharacter.Enter the desired channel name in the following manner:e •SelectadesiredcharacterusingDial,or[∫]/[√]/[Ω]/[≈]. •Push[ENT]orDialtosetit. •Tomovethecursor,selecteitherarrow,“←” or “→,” then push[ENT] or Dial. •Push[123],[!$?]or[ABC]toselectacharactergroup. •Select“SPACE,”thenpush[ENT]toinputaspace. •Select“DELETE,”thenpush[ENT]todeleteacharacter. •Push[CLEAR]tocancelandreturntothepreviousscreen.