417DSC OPERATION12345678910111213141516Transmitting a Test callDTesting on the exclusive DSC distress and safety calling chan-nels should be avoided as much as possible. When testing ona distress/safety channel is unavoidable, you should indicatethat these are test transmissions.Normally the test call would require no further communica-tions between the two stations involved.Enter “TEST CALL” in the DSC CALLS menu.qSelect a desired preprogrammed individual address, orw“Manual Input,” then push Dial or [ENT]. •TheIDcodefortheIndividualcallcanbesetirst.(p.19) •When“ManualInput”isselected,setthe9digitMMSIIDcodeforthe individual you wish to call. •Push[EXIT]toreturntothenormaloperatingmode. •Push[BACK]toreturntothepreviousscreen.About Manual Inputting:Enter a desired address ID in the following way:•SelectadesirednumberusingDial,or[Ω]/[≈].•Push[ENT]orDialtosetit.•Tomovethecursor,selecteitherarrow,“←” or “→,” then push[ENT] or Dial.•Theirstdigitisspeciiedas‘0’foraGroupID.Ifa9digitGroupIDis entered, an error beep sounds when pushing [ENT] or dial.•Theirsttwodigitsare‘0’foranyCoaststationID.A confirmation screen appears.e •Conirmthecallcontents.+ Continued on the next page.MENU ➪ DSC Calls ➪ Test Call(Push [MENU]) (Rotate Dial, then push [ENT].)