247 DSC OPERATIONRegular callDThe nature of the Distress call should be included in the Dis-tress call.Enter “DISTRESS CALL” in the DSC CALLS menu.qSelect the nature of the distress using Dial or [w Y]/[Z], thenpush Dial or [ENT]. •‘Undesignated,’‘Fire,Explosion,’‘Flooding,’‘Collision,’‘Grounding,’‘Capsizing,’ ‘Sinking,’ ‘Adrift,’ ‘Abandoning ship,’ ‘Piracy’ or ‘ManOverboard’ is selectable. •Thenatureofthedistressisstoredfor10minutesafteraselec-tion is made. •Push[EXIT]toreturntothenormaloperatingmode. •Push[BACK]toreturntothepreviousscreen.The Distress call confirmation screen is displayed.e •RotateDialorpush[Y]/[Z] to see the hidden lines.Hold down [DISTRESS] for 3 seconds to transmit the Dis-rtress call. •Whileholdingdown[DISTRESS],countdownbeepssoundandboth the key and display backlighting blink. •Theselectednatureofthedistressisstoredfor10minutes.MENU ➪ DSC Calls ➪ Distress Call(Push [MENU]) (Rotate Dial, then push [ENT].)