287 DSC OPERATIONTransmitting an Individual call (continued)DA confirmation screen appears.r •Conirmthecallcontents.Push [CALL] to transmit the Individual call.t •IfChannel70isbusy,thetransceiverstandsbyuntilthechannelbecomes clear.Standby on Channel 70 until an acknowledgement is re-yceived.When the acknowledgement ‘Able to comply’ is received,ubeeps sound and the screen below is displayed.Push [ALARM OFF] to stop the beeps and then select theintership channel specified in step e. •A different intership channel will be selected if the station youcalled cannot use the channel. •Replyusingthemicrophone.Andgotostepi.Or, when the acknowledgement ‘Unable to comply’ is re-ceived, beeps sound and the screen below is displayed.