617DSC OPERATION12345678910111213141516Received Call log■The transceiver automatically stores up to 50 distress mes-sages and 50 other messages, and they can be used as asupplement to your logbook.•Whileinthenormaloperatingmode,“ ” blinks in the upper rightcorner of the LCD when there is an unread DSC message.Distress messageDPush [LOG] to enter “RCVD CALL LOG” in the DSC CALLSqmenu, or you can enter it through the Menu screen.MENU ➪ DSC Calls ➪ Received Call Log(Push [MENU]) (Rotate Dial, then push [ENT].)Push [w Y]/[Z] to select “Distress,” then push [ENT]. •TheDistressmessagesarestoredin“Distress.” •“ ” appears when there are unread DSC messages. •“ ” appears when there are no unread DSC messages. •NoiconappearswhentherearenoDSCmessages. •Push[BACK]toreturntothepreviousscreen. •Push[EXIT]toreturntothenormaloperatingmode.Push [e Y]/[Z] to select the desired item, then push [ENT].Rotate Dial to scroll the DSC message contents.rRotateTo delete the displayed DSC message, push [DEL].t •Theconirmationscreenappears,thenpush[OK]todelete.Push [EXIT] to return to the normal operating mode.y