257DSC OPERATION12345678910111213141516After transmitting the call, the transceiver waits for an ac-tknowledgment call. •The Distress call is automatically transmitted every 3.5 to 4.5minutes, until an acknowledgement is received (‘Call repeat’mode), or DSC cancel call is made (p. 26). •Push[RESEND]tomanuallytransmittheDistressrepeatcall. •Push [Ω]/[≈] then push [INFO] to display the transmitted Dis-tress call information. •Push[Ω]/[≈] then push [PAUSE] to pause the ‘Call repeat’ mode,push [RESUME] to resume it.After receiving an acknowledgment call, push [ALARMyOFF] then reply using the microphone.A distress alert contains:➥ •Natureofdistress :Selectedinstepw. •Positioninformation:The latest GPS or manual input positionis held for 23.5 hours, or until the power isturned OFF.When no GPS receiver is connected, and both positionand time have been manually programmed, the screen asshown below appears. Edit your latitude and longitude po-sition and UTC time as follows:Push [CHG], then edit your latitude and longitude posi-➥tion and UTC time. •SelectadesirednumberusingDial,or[Y]/[Z]/[Ω]/[≈]. •Push[ENT]orDialtosetit. •Tomovethecursor,selecteitherarrow,“←” or “→,” then push[ENT] or Dial. •SelectN(Northlatitude)orS(Southlatitude)whenthecursoris on the ‘N’ or ‘S’ position. •SelectW(Westlongitude)orE(Eastlongitude)whenthecur-sor is on the ‘W’ or ‘E’ position.