CWS-BA-e-0610 39F-06-X RS-232C Data outputFunctionkeyParameterselection Description of functionData output mode0* Data are transmitted by pressing the PRINT key.+ remote control instructions1 Continuous data transmissionIt is not possible to use remote control commands2Data will be transmitted when the weight display is stable at +5d orabove.+ remote control instructions3Data will be transmitted when the weight display is stable at 5d orabove/below.+ remote control instructions4 Remote control commands only5 Not documented6 Not documented7 Not documentedF-06-018 Not documented* "close to ZERO" means between -4d and +4d of weight dataSelection of output values0100* Transmitting dataF-06-02ID reference weight0 0 0 0WeightQuantityTo select which data to transmit, enter either "0" or "1" for thedata: ID no., piece number, weight or reference weightExample: When "1100" is entered only the ID no. and thepiece number will be sent.Data format0* Not documented1 Not documentedF-06-032 Format for general peripheralsBaud rate0* 2400 bps.1 4800 bps.F-06-042 9600 bps.Data length and parity0* 7 Bit, even parity1 7 Bit, odd parityF-06-052 8 Bit, no parityInformation: Use the setting “0“ at all times for F-07 and F-08