TS-990S162ADJUSTMENT4. Jig cable (W05-1776-00)Use the jig cable when adjusting the fi nal idling current.1414■ The modification method when using the leadwire with connector (E37-1612-05)1) Cut the center part of the yellow lead wire (pin 1) and or-ange lead wire (pin 3) of the cable (E37-1612-05).2). Solder the tip of each lead wire (parts C, D, E and F) asshown in the fi gure.14L=120±5mm14CD EFAdjustment Mode■ Outline1. Use two adjustment methods for the transceiver. Onemethod requires manual adjustments (e.g., coil and trim-mer adjustments). In the other method, the transceiver isplaced into service adjustment mode, where the trans-ceiver is adjusted with panel keys. The adjustment itemsin Menu 0 to Menu 130 are prepared for the serviceadjustment mode (hereinafter referred to as “adjustmentmode”), and adjustment data is stored in two EEPROMs(X42-343: IC401 and X53-452: IC309).2. Place the transceiver into adjustment mode and changethe adjustment data on each adjustment item, if neces-sary.3. By executing “Write All” in Menu 128, new adjustment datais written to the EEPROMs. Furthermore, you can writenew adjustment data for each Menu number.■ Operating Procedure for Adjustment Mode1. Starting the Adjustment Mode1) Insert an adjustment jig into the ACC2 connector on therear panel of the transceiver.2) The transceiver is placed into adjustment mode if you turnON the power while pressing the [NB1] key and [NR2]key.A menu number and adjustment item appear on the“Adjustment Mode” display in the main screen. When themenu number appears, remove the adjustment jig fromthe transceiver.Menu No. Current adjustment value Value written to EEPROM2. Changing the Menu NumberPress the [▲] (F2)/[▼] (F3) keys or rotate the [MULTI/CH]control to change the menu number.3. Making Adjustment Data ChangesPress [-] (F4)/[+] (F5)/ [UPDATE] (F5) keys or [UP]/[DOWN] keys to change the current data (value).Note: The lower side of the main screen displays [-]/[+]/[UPDATE] only for adjustment items that require adjust-ments.4. Writing Adjustment DataYou can write adjustment data in two ways, as explainedbelow.1) Writing Adjustment Data for Each Adjustment ItemIf you press the [APPLY] (F7) key for each adjustmentitem, the current adjustment data (value) is written to thecorresponding EEPROM (i.e., the backup data value isreplaced with the current data value).Note: The lower side of the main screen displays [APPLY]only for adjustment items that require adjustments.2) Writing Adjustment Data for All Adjustment ItemsIf you press the [APPLY] (F7) key, [UP] key, or [Down] keyfor Menu 128, the current adjustment data is written tothe corresponding EEPROM.5. Canceling the Adjustment ModePress the [CLR] key or [ESC] key to return to the normalVFO mode display.Note: The adjustment mode is canceled if you turn OFFthe power.