TS-990S63SEMICONDUCTOR DATAPin No. Name I/O Function17 SCP_AD7 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory18 GND - GND19 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)20 GND - GND21 VDDEXT - External power (3.3V)22 GND - GND23 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)24 SCP_AD6 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory25 SCP_AD5 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory26 SCP_AD4 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory27 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)28 GND - GND29 SCP_AD3 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory30 SCP_AD2 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory31 VDDEXT - External power (3.3V)32 GND - GND33 SCP_AD1 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory34 SCP_AD0 I/O Address/Data bus for fl ash memory35 SCP_WR O Write enable for fl ash memory36 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)37 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)38 GND - GND39 SCP_RD O Output enable for fl ash memory40 SCP_ALE O Address latch enable for address de-coder41 SCP_AD15 O Address bus for fl ash memory42 SCP_AD14 O Address bus for fl ash memory43 SCP_AD13 O Address bus for fl ash memory44 GND - GND45 VDDEXT - External power (3.3V)46 SCP_AD12 O Address bus for fl ash memory47 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)48 GND - GND49 SCP_AD11 O Address bus for fl ash memory50 SCP_AD10 O Address bus for fl ash memory51 SCP_AD9 O Address bus for fl ash memoryPin No. Name I/O Function52 SCP_AD8 O Address bus for fl ash memory53 SCLK96K O Audio serial I/F (BICK)54 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)55 GND - GND56 LRCK96K O Audio serial I/F (LRCK)57 MCLK96K O Audio serial I/F (MCLK)58 GND - GND59 VDDEXT - External power (3.3V)60 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)61 GND - GND62 SDTI0 I Band scope signal data input63 SDTI1 I Main RX and sub RX audio scope signalinput64 SCSOMI I Serial data input from application MCU65 SCSIMO O Serial data output to application MCU66 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)67 GND - GND68 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)69 GND - GND70 SCCLK O Serial clock output to application MCU71 SCCSO O Serial chip select output to applicationMCU72 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)73 VDDEXT - External power (3.3V)74 GND - GND75 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)76 GND - GND77 NC - No connection78 NC - No connection79 TXC I TX ON/OFFH: TX ON80 SCP I Discriminate DSPH: Scope DSP/ L: TXMRX DSP81SC-WST2/BERDO Flash writing status82 SCDHLT O Status of scope DSPH: Normal83 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)84 GND - GND85 GND - GND86 STPTRG I Band scope sweep timing (1 step)87 SPSYNC I Band scope sweep timing (1 frame)88SC-WST1/BERCO Flash writing status