TS-990S62SEMICONDUCTOR DATAPin No. Name I/O Function6 SRESET I Reset7 XOUT O X'tal output8 VSS - GND9 XIN I X'tal input10 VCC - 3.3V power11 NC - No connection12 NC - No connection13 SCDRES O Reset for scope DSPL: Reset14 STPTRG O Band scope sweep timing (1 step)15 SPSYNC O Band scope sweep timing (1 frame)16 SCD-SOUT O Serial communication data output forscope DSP17 SCDCLK O Serial communication clock output forscope DSP18 SCDSIN I Serial communication data input fromscope DSP19 NC - No connection20 SCDSCS O Serial communication chip select outputfor scope DSP21 NC - No connection22 NC - No connection23 SCDRET O Communication request to scope DSP24 NC - No connection25 NC - No connection26 SCWST1 I Status1 of scope DSP fl ash writting27 NC - No connection28 NC - No connection29 NC - No connection30 TXC I TX ON/OFFH: TX ON31 NC - No connection32 NC - No connection33 SCATT3 O 30dB attenuator control34 SCATT2 O 20dB attenuator control35 SCATT1 O 10dB attenuator control36 SCATT0 O Attenuator control37 NC - No connection38 SCDREQ I Communication request from scope DSP39 NC - No connection40 NC - No connection41 BKC I Reduced voltage detection interruptL: Reduced voltage42 SCFPRG I/OProgramming mode request from mainMCUL: Programming mode43 SCRXD I Received data from main MCU44 SCTXD O Transmitted data for main MCUPin No. Name I/O Function45 SCCTS I RTS signal input from main MCUL: Communication permit46 SCRTS O RTS signal output for main MCU47 SCWST2 I Status 2 of scope DSP fl ash writting48 NC - No connection49 SCLCK O Serial clock for accessory unit50 SCLDT O Serial data for accessory unit51 SCDEN1 O DDS1 enable signal for accessory unit52 SCDEN2 O DDS2 enable signal for accessory unit53 SCDEN3 O DDS3 enable signal for accessory unit54 SCPEN1 O PLL1 enable signal for accessory unit55 SCPEN2 O PLL2 enable signal for accessory unit56 SCPUL I Un-lock detect from accessory unitH: Lock57 NC - No connection58 SCDBT O Boot confi guration select to scope DSP59 IFSEL1 O IF select 1 (main IF)60 IFSEL2 O IF select 2 (11MHz sub IF)61 IFSEL3 O IF select 3 (73MHz sub IF)62 IFSEL4 O IF select 4 (for TX)63 NC - No connection64 NC - No connectionScope DSP: (Control unit IC381)Pin No. Name I/O Function1 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)2 CLK_CFG0 I Core to CLKIN raito control (GND con-nect)3 CLK_CFG1 I Core to CLKIN raito control (GND con-nect)4 BOOT_CFG0 I Boot confi guration select (GND connect)5 SCDBT I Boot confi guration select from scopeMCU6 GND - GND7 VDDEXT - External power (3.3V)8 GND - GND9 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)10 GND - GND11 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)12 GND - GND13 VDDINT - Core power (1.2V)14 GND - GND15 SCDRET I Communication request from scopeMCU16SC-DREQ/SCWST0O Communication request to scope MCU/Flash writing status