TS-990S2Document CopyrightsCopyright 2013 by JVC KENWOOD Corporation. Allrights reserved.No part of this manual may be reproduced, translated,distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-wise, for any purpose without the prior written permission ofJVC KENWOOD Corporation.DisclaimerWhile every precaution has been taken in the preparationof this manual, JVC KENWOOD Corporation assumes noresponsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liabilityassumed for damages resulting from the use of the informa-tion contained herein. JVC KENWOOD Corporation reservesthe right to make changes to any products herein at any timefor improvement purposes.Safety Check after RepairsPerform the insulation resistance test for the security ofthe product, after repairs.■ Point to be checkedCheck that the power supply plug does not have poorcontacts and that there is no garbage or conductive materi-als stuck between the terminals. If the power supply cordis damaged, do not repair it using tape; replace it with thespecifi ed part.■ Safety studyAfter repairs have been completed, remove the powersupply cord from the outlet, the antenna, the outside con-nection cable, etc., and insert the power switch. Using a500V DC insulation resistance meter, check the insulationbetween each terminal of the attachment plug and the an-tenna terminal and other outside metal parts, and ensurethat the insulation resistance levels are more than 4M.When the insulation resistance level is lower than this value,check repair of the transceiver is required.CONTENTSDISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR .................................................. 3CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 4COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION ............................................. 40SEMICONDUCTOR DATA ...................................................... 60PARTS LIST ............................................................................ 75EXPLODED VIEW ................................................................. 150PACKING .............................................................................. 157TROUBLE SHOOTING ......................................................... 158ADJUSTMENT ...................................................................... 160TERMINAL FUNCTION ........................................................ 210LEVEL DIAGRAM ................................................................. 238OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESARCP-990 (Radio Control Program) ............................... 240ARHP-990 (Radio Host Program) ................................... 240SP-990 (External Speaker) .............................................. 240SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................. 242