TS-990S216TERMINAL FUNCTIONPin No. Name I/O FunctionCN804 (to DC-DC unit A/3 CN190)1 14V I 13.8V power supply input2 GND - GND3 GND - GNDW801 (to Digital unit CN2)1 X45V2 O X45 version detection2 X45V1 O X45 version detection3 14S I 13.8V power supply input4 14S I 13.8V power supply input5 NC - No connection6 GND - GND7 GND - GND8 NC - No connection9 5A I 5V power supply inputFinal unit (X45-3880-00 A/2)Pin No. Name I/O FunctionCN2 (to TX-RX unit A/2 CN800)1 DRIVE I TX RF signal output (coaxial)CN16 (to FAN2)1 FANP2 I Pulse signal when FAN2 operates2 FAN2+ O Supply FAN2 voltage3 GND - GNDCN18 (to FAN1)1 FANP1 I Pulse signal when FAN1 operates2 FAN1+ O Supply FAN1 voltage3 GND - GNDCN32 (to AC/DC Power supply)1 +50V I Supply 50V DC2 +50V I Supply 50V DC3 GND - GND4 GND - GNDCN35 (to DC-DC unit B/3 CN470)1 GND - GND2 DATA I Serial data3 CLK I Serial clock4 5V O Non switched 5V5 X45V1 O Version detection signal6 MFEN3 I Enable signal (IC1)7 MFEN1 I Enable signal (IC6,7)8 TH1 O The thermistor detection voltage for FAN,power operation9 33C I 3.3V (DC/DC)10 X45V2 O Version detection signal11 ATDAT1QS O Serial data for AT unit X53-441 B/2Pin No. Name I/O Function12 SP-Q8(5M) O AT coil selection when 5M band13 FANP1 O Pulse signal when FAN1 operates14 FANP2 O Pulse signal when FAN2 operates15 VD O Drain voltage input for meter16 FAN1+ I Supply AT FAN voltage17 FAN1+ I Supply AT FAN voltage18 NC - No connection19 FAN1- - FAN GND20 FAN1- - FAN GND21 TH2 O The thermistor detection voltage for FAN,Power operation22 ID1 O Power current signal23 TXB I TX 8V24 MRXC I RX ON/OFF25 ODP O Over drive protection26 GND - GND27 GND - GND28 GND - GNDCN36 (to DC-DC unit A/3 CN16)1 14S I Switched 14V2 GND - GND3 14V I Non switched 14V4 GND - GNDJ1 (to AT (ANT SW) unit A/2 J7)1 HFPO1 O RF Power output (Coaxial)Final (ANT CN) unit (X45-3880-00 B/2)Pin No. Name I/O FunctionCN815 (to AT (ANT SW) unit A/2 CN37)1 E_ANT (Coaxial)CN816 (to AT (ANT SW) unit A/2 CN24)1 QS O Serial data for AT unit X53-441 B/2 IC82 AFEN I Enable signal (IC800)3 DATA I Serial data4 CLK I Serial clock5 NC - No connection6 14S I Switched 14V7 14S I Switched 14V8 NC - No connection9 33S I 3.3V (DC/DC)10 33S I 3.3V (DC/DC)11 NC - No connection12 GND - GND13 GND - GNDJ800 (to AT (ANT SW) unit A/2 J4)1 HFPO2 I TX RF signal output (Coaxial)