TS-990S229TERMINAL FUNCTIONPin No. Name I/O Function6 NC - No connection7 5D I 5.0V (DC/DC)8 NC - No connection9 GND - GND10 SLSYNC I Backlight driver IC SYNC signal for subdisplay11 GND - GND12 SLPWM I Sub display backlight PWM control13 GND - GND14 MBLEN I Display backlight enable from main mi-crocomputer15 NC - No connection16 PBLEN I Display backlight enable from panelmicrocomputer17 GND - GND18 MLSYNC I Backlight driver IC SYNC signal for maindisplay19 GND - GND20 MLPWM I Main display backlight PWM control21 GND - GND22 TPPUON I Touch panel SW PULL UP ON23 TPPRES I Touch panel SW PRESS24 Y2 I Touch panel SW Y225 Y1 I Touch panel SW Y126 X2 I Touch panel SW X227 X1 I Touch panel SW X128 NC - No connection29 PA_X- O Touch panel detection X-30 PA_Y- O Touch panel detection Y-31 PA_X+ O Touch panel detection X+32 PA_Y+ O Touch panel detection Y+CN303 (to Display (SUB LCD) unit F/6 CN587)1 NC - No connection2 SDISPA O Power supply for sub display backlightanode3 NC - No connection4 SDISPK I Power supply for sub display backlightcathode5 NC - No connection6 VCC O Power supply for sub display (3.3V)7 NC - No connection8 DOTCLK O Dot clock for sub display9 VSYNC O Vertical SYNC signal10 HSYNC O Horizontal SYNC signal11 DEN O Data enable for sub display12 RR7 O Red data for sub display13 RR6 O Red data for sub displayPin No. Name I/O Function14 RR5 O Red data for sub display15 RR4 O Red data for sub display16 RR3 O Red data for sub display17 RR2 O Red data for sub display18 RR1 O Red data for sub display19 RR0 O Red data for sub display20 GG7 O Green data for sub display21 GG6 O Green data for sub display22 GG5 O Green data for sub display23 GG4 O Green data for sub display24 GG3 O Green data for sub display25 GG2 O Green data for sub display26 GG1 O Green data for sub display27 GG0 O Green data for sub display28 BB7 O Blue data for sub display29 BB6 O Blue data for sub display30 BB5 O Blue data for sub display31 BB4 O Blue data for sub display32 BB3 O Blue data for sub display33 BB2 O Blue data for sub display34 BB1 O Blue data for sub display35 BB0 O Blue data for sub display36 SDI O Data input in serial mode for sub display37 SCK O Clock of serial interface for sub display38 CSB O Chip serect of serial interface for subdisplay39 RESB O System reset for sub display40 VSS - Application GNDCN405 (to Digital unit CN225)1 VCC(33B) - Power supply for sub display (3.3V)2 NC O No connection3 VSS - Application GND4 DOTCLK I Dot clock for sub display5 VSS - Application GND6 VSYNC I Vertical SYNC signal for sub display7 HSYNC I Horizontal SYNC signal for sub display8 DEN I Data enable for sub display9 VSS - Application GND10 RR7 I Red data for sub display11 RR6 I Red data for sub display12 VSS - Application GND13 RR5 I Red data for sub display14 RR4 I Red data for sub display15 VSS - Application GND16 RR3 I Red data for sub display