TS-990S232TERMINAL FUNCTIONDisplay (AF/RF) unit (X54-3850-00 E/6)Pin No. Name I/O FunctionCN503 (to Display (MAIN PANEL) unit A/6 CN262)1 5D I 5.0V (DC/DC)2 VMRF O Main RF volume voltage3 VMAF O Main AF volume voltage4 GND - GND5 VMRF O Sub RF volume voltage6 VMAF O Sub AF volume voltageDisplay (SUB LCD) unit (X54-3850-00 F/6)Pin No. Name I/O FunctionCN504 (to Sub display)1 VSS - Application GND2 POL I Polarity signal to monitor VCOM signal3 SDO I Data output in serial mode4 RESB O System reset for sub display for sub dis-play5 CSB O Chip serect of serial interface for subdisplay6 SCK O Clock of serial interface for sub display7 SDI O Data input in serial mode for sub display8 BB0 O Blue data for sub display9 BB1 O Blue data for sub display10 BB2 O Blue data for sub display11 BB3 O Blue data for sub display12 BB4 O Blue data for sub display13 BB5 O Blue data for sub display14 BB6 O Blue data for sub display15 BB7 O Blue data for sub display16 GG0 O Green data for sub display17 GG1 O Green data for sub display18 GG2 O Green data for sub display19 GG3 O Green data for sub display20 GG4 O Green data for sub display21 GG5 O Green data for sub display22 GG6 O Green data for sub display23 GG7 O Green data for sub display24 RR0 O Red data for sub display25 RR1 O Red data for sub display26 RR2 O Red data for sub display27 RR3 O Red data for sub display28 RR4 O Red data for sub display29 RR5 O Red data for sub display30 RR6 O Red data for sub display31 RR7 O Red data for sub displayPin No. Name I/O Function32 DEN O Data enable for sub display33 HSYNC O Horizontal SYNC signal for sub display34 VSYNC O Vertical SYNC signal for sub display35 DOTCLK O Dot clock for sub display36 TB O Select gate driver scan direction for subdisplay37 REV O Select the display reversion for sub dis-play38 RL O Select the source driver data shift direc-tion for sub display39 BGR O Select the color mapping for sub display40 SEL0 O Select interface mode for sub display41 SEL1 O Select interface mode for sub display42 SEL2 O Select interface mode for sub display43 CPE O Enable internal charge punp circuit forsub display44 PINV O Controll the polarity of POL signal for subdisplay45 VCI O Power supply for analog circuits for subdisplay46 VDDIO O Voltage input pin for I/O logic for subdisplay47 NC - No connection48 NC - No connection49 SDISPK I Power supply for sub display backlightcathode50 SDISPA O Power supply for sub display backlightanodeCN587 (to Display (MAIN LCD BACK) unit B/6 CN303)1 VSS - Application GND2 RESB I System reset for sub display3 CSB I Chip serect of serial interface for subdisplay4 SCK I Clock of serial interface for sub display5 SDI I Data input in serial mode for sub display6 BB0 I Blue data for sub display7 BB1 I Blue data for sub display8 BB2 I Blue data for sub display9 BB3 I Blue data for sub display10 BB4 I Blue data for sub display11 BB5 I Blue data for sub display12 BB6 I Blue data for sub display13 BB7 I Blue data for sub display14 GG0 I Green data for sub display15 GG1 I Green data for sub display16 GG2 I Green data for sub display17 GG3 I Green data for sub display18 GG4 I Green data for sub display19 GG5 I Green data for sub display