TS-990S33CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION8-4. Transmission Signal Path (MIC Input to the IFSignal/FM Transmission AF output)The signal input from the microphone is sent to the MICconnector (CN668) and is applide to the differential ampli-fier (IC683). The output signal from the differential amplifieris applied to the R channel of the ADC (IC398) through theactive filters (IC674 and IC666). The TXMRX-DSP (IC202)processes the MIC signal sampled by the ADC at an fs of96kHz, and the signal is sent from the L channel of the DAC(IC397) at an fs of 96kHz. The signal output from the DACpasses through the active filters (IC668 and IC679) and isapplide to the analog switcher (IC686), when the output des-tination will be changed.In the case of transmission in FM mode, the signal is sentfrom CN666 and input into the PLL (SUB LO) unit (X50-323CN66). In the case of transmission in modes other than FMmode, the signal is sent from CN663 and input into the TX-RXunit (X57-827 A/2 CN700).Fig. 37 Receive signal pathFig. 38 Transmission signal pathCN668IC398ADCR+/-IC202TXMRX-DSPIC397DACLchIC683(1/2)BufferIC683(2/2)BufferIC674(2/2)Active LPFIC666(B/2)Active LPFIC666(A/2)Active LPFIC674(1/2)InverterMODSELIC668(A/2)IC668(B/2)IC679(B/2)Active LPFIC686(2/2)Analog SWIC686(1/2)Analog SWQ655Q654MICMSGCN666CN663FMODTIFCN665IC398ADCL+/-CN670IC392ADCL+/-IC202TXMRX-DSPIC300SRX-DSPIC390DACL+/-R+/-IC675(A/2)Active LPFIC667(A/2)Active LPFIC675(B/2)InverterIC667(B/2)Active LPFIC678(B/2)Active LPFIC678(A/2)InverterIC670(B/2)Active LPFIC670(A/2)Active LPFIC650(A/2)IC650(B/2)IC660(A/2)IC660(B/2)IC661(B/2)IC661(A/2)Active LPFActive LPFIC665(A/2)E-VOLIC665(B/2)E-VOLIC664(B/2)E-VOLIC664(A/2)E-VOLIC673(A/2)AddtionIC673(B/2)AddtionIC52AF PowerAMPIC51AF PowerAMPK50AF MuteSMUTE1SMUTE2K51AF MuteExt. Speaker1J50J51Ext. Speaker2CN50Int. SpeakerIC50(1/2)Headphone AMPIC50(2/2)Headphone AMPPMUTECN667HeadphoneMRIF/MFMDSRIF/SFMDIC385DACLchIC652(A/2)Active LPF(-3 ~ -95dB)(-3 ~ -95dB)(-3 ~ -95dB)(-3 ~ -95dB)Active LPFActive LPFIC671(B/2)BufferIC671(A/2)BufferK52