TS-990S31CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION7-2. 14S, 5 V, and 33S Power Supplies1. The 14S, 5 V, and 33S power supplies that are input fromthe DC-DC PCB are supplied to each PCB through thefollowing paths.1) 14S system: 14S input is supplied to the AT PCB, ANTSW PCB and TX-RX PCB.2) 5 V system: 5 V input is supplied to the FINAL PCB,ANT SW PCB and TX-RX PCB.3) 33S system: 33S input is supplied to the FINAL PCB, ATPCB, ANT SW PCB and TX-RX PCB.2. The LINK PCB serves to connect a variety of control sig-nals input from the CONTROL PCB through the DC-DCPCB to the FINAL PCB, AT PCB, ANT SW PCB and TX-RX PCB.7-3. 1.8V and 1.2V Power SuppliesThe DC-DC (APPLI) PCB uses the DC/DC converter togenerate 1.8 V and 1.2 V from 14 V that is input from theDC-DC PCB and supply the voltages to the DIGITAL PCB.Fig. 33 14S, 5 V, and 33S power suppliesFig. 34 1.8V and 1.2V power supplies1.8V1.2VDC-DC(APP) PCB1.8V DCDC1.2V DCDC14V8. DSP (TXMRX and SRX) Unit8-1. OutlineThe DSP unit (X53-453) consists of two DSPs (IC202and IC300), a DSP-SubMCU (IC101), two Latch ICs (IC200and IC201), a Buffer (IC302), two Flash memories (IC203and IC301), three A/D converters (ADCs) (IC389, IC392and IC398), eight D/A converters (DACs) (IC385, IC386,IC387, IC388, IC390, IC391, IC397 and IC658), an optical I/O (A650 and A651) and two electronic volume ICs (IC664and IC665), two AF power amplifiers (IC51 and IC52), and aheadphone amplifi er (IC50).The DSP-SubMCU uses the UART to perform externalcommunications with the main MCU (X53-452 IC46) whilethe SPI performs communications between the DSP-SubM-CU and the DSP.Fig. 35 DSP circuitIC202TXMRX-DSPIC394DAC(TIF/MAGCV)IC398ADC(MRIF/MIC)IC385DAC(BEEP/MSCPI)IC390DAC(SP1/SP2)IC391DAC(MANO/SANO)IC386DAC(MUANO/SUANO)IC387DAC(MRECI/SRECI)IC388DAC(SAGCV/SSCPI)IC392ADC(SRIF/ANI,UANI)IC389ADC(MRECO/SRECO)IC300SRX-DSPIC101DSP-sub MCUIC301Flash memory(32M 8bit)A651Optical inA650Opticai outIC302BufferCN101To ControlL unit(X53-452)IC203Flash memory(8M 8bit)IC201LatchIC200LatchIC399NANDIC380FlipflopIC381BufferIC382BufferIC383Buffer18.432MHz24.576MHz24.576MHzIC665E-VOLIC664E-VOLIC673OPAMPIC51AF AMPIC52AF AMPIC50HP AMPPHONES OUTSP OUTExt.SP1Ext.SP2IC658DACLink PCB14S5V33S5V14S33S33S14S5V33S5V33STo Final PCBTo AT PCBTo ANT SW PCBTo TX-RX PCB-12V-12V