TS-990S224TERMINAL FUNCTIONPin No. Name I/O Function10 TH33B O 3.3V power supply for thermister11 VD I Drain voltage input for meter12 MRXC O Main RX control signal13 ADC1 O Multiplexer control signal 114 ADC2 O Multiplexer control signal 215 MLPX1 I Multiplexer (IC50) X-common data input16 MLPY1 I Multiplexer (IC50) Y-common data input17 CLK O Serial clock18 DATA O Serial data19 GND - GND20 BOVER I Over voltage detection L: Over voltage21 BKC I Reduced voltage detection interruptL: Reduced voltage22 X53V2 I Version detection signalH: ver.1, L: ver.223 DGND - Digital GND24 NC - No connection25 DGND - Digital GND26 ACDC-SW O AC/DC power control H: Active27 ACDCTH I AC/DC temperature detection28 PSC O Power switch control (5V/8V/LCD driverpower) H: Active29 14SW O Power switch control for 14V H: Active30 PSC33 O Power switch control for 3.3V H: Active31 X45V2 I Version detection signalH: ver.1, L: ver.232 X45V1 I Version detection signalH: ver.1, L: ver.233 ODP I Over drive protection34 CTXD O RS-232C transmitted data35 CRXD I RS-232C received data36 CRTS O RS-232C request to send37 CCTS I RS-232C clear to send38 50VSW O Power switch control for 50V H: Active39 EXTPF1 I External PF1 signal input40 EXTPF2 I External PF2 signal inputCN71 (to Digital unit CN4)1 DC18SW O Switch signal for digital 1.8V DC/DCconverter H: Active2 DC12SW O Switch signal for digital 1.2V DC/DCconverter H: Active3 VTXD O Serial data output to USB-serial bridge4 VRXD I Serial data input from USB-serial bridge5 VRTS O RTS signal output to USB-serial bridge6 VCTS I CTS signal input from USB-serial bridge7 NC - No connectionPin No. Name I/O Function8 VBINT I USB connection interrupt inputH: connection9 32KOUT O 32kHz CLK to application MCU10 BKC O Reduced voltage detection interruptL: Active11 MATXD O Serial data output to application MCU12 MARXD I Serial data input from application MCU13 MARTS O RTS signal output to application MCU14 MACTS I RTS signal input from application MCU15 AHLT I Application MCU check signalH: Status OK16 ARST O Reset to application MCU L: Active17 USBSW O Switch signal for USB device powerH: Active18 33SW1 O Switch signal for digital 3.3V FET(Q805)H: Active19 33SW2 O Switch signal for digital 3.3V FET(Q803)H: Active20 SCCS0 O Serial communication chip select to ap-plication MCU21 SCSOMI I Serial data input from application MCU22 SCSIMO O Serial data output to application MCU23 NC - No connection24 SCCLK O Serial communication CLK to applicationMCU25 GND - GND26 PARXD I Serial data input from application MCU27 PATXD O Serial data output to application MCU28 GND - GND29 LCDREQ O LCD active request to application MCUH: Active30 PSC O Power switch control H: Active31 NC - No connection32 5D I 5V (DC/DC)CN72 (to DSP unit CN101)1 NC - No connection2 BKC O Reduced voltage detect interruptL: Active3 DTXD O Serial data output to DSP MCU4 DRXD I Serial data input from DSP MCU5 DRTS O RTS signal output to DSP MCU6 DCTS I RTS signal input from DSP MCU7 DRES O Reset signal for DSP MCU8 DFPRG I/O Programming mode requestL: Programming mode9 CKY O RF power ON/OFF H: RF power ON10 TXC O TX ON/OFF H: TX ON11 14SW O 1.2V DC/DC convertor SW controlH: Active