Maintenance 7-11RELOCATING/STORING THE SERVERFollow the procedure below to relocate or store the server:CAUTIONObserve the following instructions to use the server safely. Failure to followthese instructions may cause a fire, personal injury, or property damage. Seepages 1-3 to 1-8 for details. Never attempt to lift the server only by yourself. Do not install the server in any place other than specified. Do not connect/disconnect any interface cable with the power cord of theserver plugged to a power source.IMPORTANT: If the server needs to be relocated/stored due to a change in the floorlayout to a great extent, contact your service representative. Make sure to make a backup copy of your valuable data in the harddisk drive, if any. Make sure not to apply a shock to hard disk drives to relocated theserver if the contains any.1. Take a media out of the server, if any.2. Power off the server (the POWER/SLEEP lamp goes off).3. Unplug the power cord of the server from a power outlet.4. Remove all the cables from the server.5. Hold the server by its bottom to carry the server.IMPORTANT: Do not hold the front mask to lift the server. The frontmask may be disengaged from the server, causing personal injury.6. Protect the server with the shock-absorbing materials, and pack it securely.