4-12 Configuring Your ServerSecurityThe Security menu appears if you move the cursor to the position of "Security."Press Enter on "Set Supervisor Password" or "Set User Password," to display the password entryscreen.Enter the passwords on the dialog box.IMPORTANT: User password can be set only when Supervisor password is alreadyset. Set the passwords only after OS is installed. If you forget the passwords, contact your service representative.See the table below for the items.Option Parameter Description Your SettingSecurity ChipConfiguration– Security Chip Configuration submenuis displayed.SupervisorPassword IsClearSetIndicates the password setting status.User Password Is ClearSetIndicates the password setting status.Set SupervisorPasswordUp to eightalphanumericsPress Enter to display the supervisorpassword entry screen. This passwordenables all the SETUP menus to beaccessed. This setting can be doneonly on login with the password inputof "Supervisor" at start of SETUP.Set UserPasswordUp to eightalphanumericsPress Enter to display the userpassword entry screen. For thispassword, accessing to the SETUPmenu is restricted.Password on boot [Disabled]EnabledSpecify whether the passwords areentered or not on booting. At first thesupervisor password must be set. Ifthe supervisor password is set andthis option is disabled, BIOSdetermines that a user is booting.Fixed disk bootsector[Normal]Write ProtectSpecify whether to permit writing intoboot sector of the hard disk drive ornot.Power SwitchInhibit[Disabled]EnabledSpecify whether to enable or disablethe power switch feature.(Forced shutdown (pressing thePOWER switch for at least fourseconds) feature is always acceptableto the server.[ ]: Factory-set