Configuring Your Server 4-19IMPORTANT: Notes on performing Clear BMC Configuration Executing "Load Setup Defaults" in BIOS SETUP utility does notrestore the default value for settings related to management LAN ofBMC. To restore the default value, you need to execute Clear BMCConfiguration. It takes about several tens seconds until initialization completesafter execution of Clear BMC Configuration. Executing Clear BMC Configuration also clears settings made inNEC DianaScope. Before execution, be sure make backup copy ofsetting information of NEC DianaScope.NOTE: Executing [Save Custom Defaults/Load Custom Defaults] ofBIOS SETUP does not save the settings you have made in BMC LANConfiguration menu.Event Log Configuration SubmenuOption Parameter Description Your SettingSystem Event Log – System Event Log submenu isdisplayed.Clear All EventLogs– Press Enter and select "Yes" to clearthe system event log.[ ]: Factory-set