9-2 Upgrading Your ServerSAFETY NOTESObserve the following notes to install or remove optional devices safely and properly.WARNINGObserve the following instructions to use the server safely. Failure to followthese instructions may result in death or serious personal injury. See pages1-3 to 1-8 for details.■ Do not disassemble, repair, or alter the server.■ Do not remove the lithium battery.■ Disconnect the power plug before working with the server.CAUTIONObserve the following instructions to use the server safely. Failure to followthese instructions may cause a fire, personal injury, or property damage. Seepages 1-3 to 1-8 for details.■ Avoid installation in extreme temperature conditions.■ Make sure to complete board installation.■ Protect the unused connectors with the protective cap.■ Never attempt to lift the server only by yourself.