Voyager Reference Guide 23overridden. You must explicitly specify everything that should beredistributed.Redistributing Routes with RIP and IGRPRedistributing to RIP and IGRP is controlled by any one of three parameters:! Protocol! Interface! GatewayIf more than one parameter is specified, they are processed from most general(protocol) to most specific (gateway).It is not possible to set metrics for redistributing RIP routes into RIP or forredistributing IGRP routes into IGRP. Attempts to do this are silently ignored.It is also not possible to set the metrics for redistributing routes into IGRP.NoteIf no redistribution policy is specified, RIP and interface routes areredistributed into RIP and IGRP, and interface routes are redistributed intoIGRP. If any policy is specified, the defaults are overridden. You mustexplicitly specify everything that should be redistributed.RIP version 1 assumes that all subnets of the shared network have the samesubnet mask, so they are able to propagate only subnets of that network. RIPversion 2 removes that restriction and is capable of propagating all routeswhen not sending version 1-compatible updates.Redistributing Routes with OSPFIt is not possible to create OSPF intra-area or inter-area routes byredistributing routes from the IPSRD routing table into OSPF. It is possible toredistribute from the IPSRD routing table only into OSPF ASE routes. In