11 Configuring Fault Management622 Voyager Reference GuideFault Management ConfigurationFault Management DescriptionFault Management gives you the ability to identify faults in network elementsthat have an impact on network performance and availability. You can alsoidentify possible solutions to problems on your network depending on thenetwork element configuration.IPSO fault management supports a basic set of alarms. Alarms, for the mostpart, are features of third party applications that support alarm interfaces.You will be able to do the following using Voyager:! Enable and disable alarm traps! View configured and all permissible alarms! Cancel and filter alarms! Configure the alarm logEnabling Fault ManagementThis procedure describes how to enable alarm traps and trap resends, and settrap buffer configurations.1. Click C ONFIG.2. Click the General Configurations link under the Fault ManagementConfiguration section.3. Select Enabled in the F AULT M ANAGEMENT drop-down list.4. Click A PPLY.5. Click S AVE to make your changes permanent.