Voyager Reference Guide 6654. To redistribute all currently active interface routes into RIPng, click theON button in the EXPORT ALL I NTERFACES INTO RIPNG field.5. Enter a value for the metric cost that the created RIPng routes will have inthe M ETRIC edit box.6. Click APPLY, and then click SAVE to make your changes permanent.7. To redistribute a specific interface route or routes into RIPng, click theON radio button next to the IPv6 interface for the route(s) you want toredistribute into RIPng.8. Enter a value for the metric cost that the created RIPng route(s) will havein the METRIC edit box.9. Click APPLY, and then click SAVE to make your changes permanent.Router DiscoveryConfiguring ICMPv6 Router DiscoveryThe ICMPv6 Router Discovery Protocol allows hosts running an ICMPv6router discovery client to locate neighboring routers dynamically as well as tolearn prefixes and configuration parameters related to addressautoconfiguration. Nokia implements only the ICMPv6 router discoveryserver portion, which means that the Nokia platform can advertise itself as acandidate default router, but it will not adopt a default router using the routerdiscovery protocol.1. Click CONFIG on the home page.2. Click the ICMPv6 Router Discovery Link in the IPv6 section.3. To enable ICMPv6 router discovery, click the O N radio button next to theinterface(s) on which you want to run the protocol.4. Click APPLY.5. (Optional) To enable the managed address configuration flag in the routeradvertisement packet, click the YES radio button in the MANAGED