14 Configuring IPv6662 Voyager Reference Guide9. To specify the order in which next hops are selected, enter a value fromone to eight in the PREFERENCE edit box. The lower the value the morepreferred the link.NoteThe next preferred value is selected as the next hop only when aninterface fails. A non-reachable link is not selected as the next hop.NoteThe preference option also supports equal-cost multipath routing. Foreach preference value, you can configure as many as eight gatewayaddresses. The nexthop gate address for each packet to the destinationis selected based on the nexthop algorithm that is configured.10. Click A PPLY, and then click SAVE to make your changes permanent.Routing ConfigurationConfiguring RIPng1. Click C ONFIG on the home page.2. Click the RIPng link in the IPv6 section.3. To enable RIPng, click the ON Radio button next to the logical interfaceon which you want to run RIP, and then click APPLY.4. Enter a value for the RIPng metric to be added to routes that are sent byway of the specified interface in the METRIC edit box.5. Click A PPLY, and then click SAVE to make your changes permanent.