Voyager Reference Guide 663Creating IPv6 Aggregate Routes1. Click CONFIG on the Home Page.2. Click the IPv6 Route Aggregation link in the IPv6 section.3. Enter the IPv6 prefix for the new aggregate route in the PREFIX FOR NEWAGGREGATE edit box.4. Enter the mask length (number of bits) in the M ASK L ENGTH edit box.5. Click APPLY.6. Scroll through the NEW CONTRIBUTING PROTOCOL L IST and click theprotocol you want to use for the new aggregate route, and then clickAPPLY.7. Click SAVE to make your changes permanent.8. Click the O N Radio Button in the CONTRIBUTE ALL R OUTES FROMROTOCOL> field.9. (Optional) If you want to specify an IPv6 prefix, enter the IPv6 addressand mask length in the edit boxes in the PREFIX FOR NEWCONTRIBUTING ROUTE FROM ROTOCOL > field.10. Click APPLY, and click SAVE to make your changes permanent.Creating Redistributed RoutesRedistributing Static Routes into RIPng1. Click CONFIG on the home page.2. Click the Route Redistribution link in the IPv6 section.3. Click the Static Routes link.4. To redistribute all currently valid static routes into RIPng, click the O Nbutton in the REDISTRIBUTE ALL STATICS IN THE RIPNG field.5. Enter a value for the metric cost that the created RIPng routes will have inthe M ETRIC edit box.