6 Configuring Routing266 Voyager Reference Guide! Query interval! Query response interval! Last-member query intervalAdditionally, you can enable/disable router alert.Configuring IGMP1. Complete “Configuring an Ethernet Interface” for the interface.2. Click C ONFIG on the home page.3. Click the IGMP link in the Routing Configuration section.4. Click the O N radio button next to the name of the logical interface onwhich you want to enable IGMP; then click apply.5. Click the appropriate VERSION radio button to enable either version 1 or2; then click APPLY.6. (Optional) Enter the loss robustness value in the LOSS ROBUSTNESS editbox; then click APPLY.7. (Optional) Enter the query interval in the Q UERY INTERVAL edit box; thenclick APPLY.8. (Optional) Enter the query response interval in the QUERY RESPONSEINTERVAL edit box; then click APPLY.9. (Optional) Enter the last member query interval in the L AST MEMBERQUERY INTERVAL edit box,; then click A PPLY.10. (Optional) Click either the D ISABLE ROUTER ALERT ON or OFF radiobuttons; then click APPLY.11. To make your changes permanent, click SAVE.