6 Configuring Routing278 Voyager Reference Guide6. Click OSPF2 in the NEW C ONTRIBUTING PROTOCOL drop-downwindow; then click A PPLY.7. Click the ON radio button in the CONTRIBUTE ALL MATCHING ROUTESFROM OSPF2 field; then click A PPLY.8. Click DIRECT in the NEW CONTRIBUTING PROTOCOL drop-downwindow; then click A PPLY.9. Click the ON radio button in the CONTRIBUTE ALL MATCHING ROUTESFROM DIRECT field; then click APPLY.10. Click the TOP button.11. Click the Route Redistribution link in the Routing Configuration section.12. Click the Aggregates Routes link in the Redistribute to RIP section.13. Click the ON radio button in the EXPORT ALL AGGREGATES INTO RIPfield; then click APPLY.NoteIf the backbone is running OSPF as well, aggregation can be done onlyby configuring the network in a different OSPF Area.Route RankRoute Rank DescriptionThe route rank is the value that the routing subsystem uses to order routesfrom different protocols to the same destination.Rank may not be used to control the selection of routes within a dynamicinterior gateway protocol (IGP); this is accomplished automatically by theprotocol and is based on the protocol metric. You can use rank to select routesfrom the same external gateway protocol (EGP) learned from different peersor autonomous systems.