10 Configuring Security and Access614 Voyager Reference Guide3. In the NAME column, click the name link for which you want to changethe IP address.Example—tun0c14. You are taken to the IPsec Tunnel page.5. (Optional) Enter the IP address of the local end of the IPsec tunnel in theL OCAL ADDRESS edit box.The local address must be one of the system’s interfaces and must be thesame as the remote address configured for the IPsec tunnel at the remoterouter.6. (Optional) Enter the IP address of the remote end of the IPsec tunnel inthe R EMOTE A DDRESS edit box.The remote address cannot be one of the system’s interfaces and must bethe same as the local address configured for the IPsec tunnel at the remoterouter.7. Click A PPLY.8. To make your changes permanent, click SAVE.Removing an IPsec TunnelProposed New1. Click C ONFIG on the home page.2. Click the IPsec link.The IPv4 IPsec General Configuration page is displayed by default. If theIPv6 General Configuration page is desired, scroll to the bottom of thepage and click on the IPv6 IPsec General Configuration link.3. Under the IPsec Tunnel Rules heading, click in the Delete square of thetunnel name(s) you wish to delete.4. Click A PPLY.