3 Basic copy operations3-34 CS193/CS173/CS1633.5 Selecting a Color settingSelect a color setting for making copies.The following five Color settings are available.2 NoteAs the factory default, "Auto Color" is selected.Color setting DescriptionAuto Color Select this setting to automatically detect whether the scanned original is in color or inblack and white, and then select the appropriate Color setting ("Full Color" or "Black").Full Color Select this setting to print the copy in full color, regardless of whether the scanned originalis in color or in black and white.2 Color Select this setting to print all areas of the scanned original determined to be in color withthe specified color, and print all areas determined to be black in black. (The colors usedfor the areas printed in color are: red, yellow, blue, magenta, green or cyan. Refer topage 8-18.)Black Select this setting to print the copy in black and white, regardless of whether the scannedoriginal is in color or in black and white.Single Color Select this setting to print copies in the specified color, regardless of whether the scannedoriginal is in color or in blank and white. (The color used for printing the copy can be set toone of the 21 available. Refer to page 8-17.)When the "Single Color" setting is selected, the following two methods for reproducinggradations in originals are available.Relative luminosity: The original will be copied using concentration variations of a singlecolor to express color differences (color shading that can be seen with the eye) and gra-dation levels. This enables the color of markers, the blue lines in graphing paper and thered of stamps to be distinctly reproduced in copies.Average brightness: The original will be copied using concentration variations of a singlecolor to only express gradation levels, regardless of the color differences in the original.This is useful for producing monocolor copies of originals containing gradation differences,such as magazines and newspapers, and for offsetting the yellow tint in originals that haveyellowed.