1 Introduction1-4 CS193/CS173/CS163Center binding and folding in halfCopies can be folded at their center ("Half-Fold" setting) or bound with staples ("Center Staple & Fold"setting).For details, refer to "Selecting a folding setting" on page 3-77.Sorting copiesThe finishing method for copies can be selected.For details, refer to "Separating copies by sets ("Sort" setting)" on page 3-69, "Separating copies by pages("Group" Setting)" on page 3-70.Stapling copiesMulti-page originals can be copied and stapled together.For details, refer to "Stapling copies (Staple settings)" on page 3-72.Punching holes in copiesHoles for filing can be punched in the copies.For details, refer to "Punching holes in copies (Punch settings)" on page 3-75.Half-fold Center staple and fold