CS193/CS173/CS163 8-31Application functions 88.5 Inserting copies of a different original for a specified page ("InsertImage" function)A multi-page original later scanned from the original glass can be inserted at the specified location in anoriginal first scanned with the ADF. The inserted original is added after the specified pages.!DetailA separate original can be inserted at a maximum of 30 locations within an original of up to 999 pages.In double-sided originals, one double-sided page is considered to be two pages (one for the front andone for the back).1 Load the original into the ADF.– For details on positioning the original, refer to "Feeding the original" on page 3-8.– For an original that exceeds 100 pages, refer to "Scanning the original in separate batches("Separate Scan" setting)" on page 3-11.2 Touch [Application], and then touch [Sheet/Cover/Chapter Insert].– To cancel changes to the settings for all Application functions, press the [Reset] key. All changes tothe settings are canceled.The Sheet/Cover/Chapter Insert screen appears.