793 . D R I V E C O M - P R O F I L E 2 2 , f r o mC O M P A X S o f t w a r e - V e r s i o n 3 . 0 1From program version V3.01onwards, the operating type 'DRIVECOM-PROFIL' is available in all COMPAX variants. It can beactivated via P190=22. Please note that P190 must be at this value by 'Power-On', in order that the turn on procedure defined inthe DRIVECOM profile can run completely (this varies from the normal COMPAX behaviour after ‘Power-on’).According to DRIVECOM specifications there are a series of statuses that are accepted by the device in sequence. Thecorresponding status equipment is integrated in the COMPAX. The conditions are outlined in diagrams and tables in thedocumentation 'DRIVECOM-PROFILE technology’. The following description of device statuses is therefore only given as asupplement to the DRIVECOM documentation:Conditions diagramSTARTNOT READY TO SWITCH ONxx00hstatuswordSWITCH ON DISABLEDREADY TO SWITCH ONSWITCHED ONOPERATION ENABLEFAULT REACTION ACTIVEFAULTstatuswordstatuswordstatuswordstatuswordstatuswordstatuswordxx60h*xx21hxx23hxx27hQUICK STOP ACTIVExx07hxx28hcontrolwordxx1x x1xxcontrolwordlock voltagexxxx xx0xquick stopxxxx x01xcontrolwordlock voltagexxxx xx0xcontrolwordlock voltagexxxx xx0xquick stopxxxx x01xcontrolwordshutdownxxxx x110controlwordshutdownxxxx x110controlwordswitch onxxxx x111controlwordshutdownxxxx x110controlwordoperation enablexxxx 1111controlwordoperation disablexxxx 0111controlwordquick stopxxxx x01xcontrolwordreset fault0xxx xxxx1xxx xxxxcontrolwordlock voltagexxxx xx0xThe COMPAX command OUTPUT A0=... may not be used for active operating type 'DRIVECOM-PROFIL' .