SAMSUNG MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING MANUAL FEBRUARY 2004MMC 810 (Page 1 of 2)MMC: 810 HALT PROCESSINGFOR: DCS CI CII 816 iDCS100 iDCS500 OS500Purpose: Used only in the event that all data processing needs to be stopped in either asingle cabinet or slot, or in the entire system. The procedure differs slightly between sys-tems.Note: You do not need to enable system programming (MMC 800) in order to run this program butyou will still require the technician’s passcode. DCS, iDCS500 & OS500 PROCEDUREACTION DISPLAY1. Open programming and select 810Display shows HALT/PROCESSINGC:ALL S:ALL→PROC2. Enter cabinet numberORPress VOLUME keys to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to advance cursorORHALT/PROCESSINGC:3 S:ALL→PROCSelect all cabinets and all slots (see section 1.5.2)(and go to step 4) HALT/PROCESSINGC:ALL S:ALL→PROC3. Enter slot numberORPress VOLUME keys to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to advance cursorHALT/PROCESSINGC:3 S:5 →PROC4. Enter 1 for HALT or 0 to PROCORPress VOLUME keys to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to enter data and return to step 2HALT/PROCESSINGC:3 S:5 →HALT5. Press Transfer/TRSF to store and exitORPress SPEAKER to store and advance to nextMMC