SAMSUNG MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING MANUAL FEBRUARY 2004MMC 853 (Page 1 of 1)MMC: 853 MAINTENANCE BUSYFOR: iDCS100 iDCS500 OS500Purpose: Puts stations, trunks and common resource equipment in a ‘maintenancebusy’ condition. This can be used to isolate suspected intermittent problem equipment. Astation placed in maintenance busy will behave like a station in DND when called. Thestation’s display and any calling station’s display (if equipped) will show "MADE BUSY".Stations receiving DDI or E&M type calls will receive a DND/No more calls tone. The sta-tion display will still function with station name, time and date. When a busy station iscalled, it will function like a locked-out station. Trunks made busy cannot originate calls.Ringdown type trunks will still ring the programmed destination. Common resourceequipment such as DSPs and CID DSPs, and miscellaneous equipment such as pageports, AA ports or voice mail card ports, can also be placed in a maintenance busy state.MAINTENANCE BUSY OPTIONS0. TRK = Trunks1. STN = Stations2. PAGE = Page Ports3. AA = Auto Attendant card ports4. DTMFR = DSP receiving DTMF5. CID = DSP receiving CID6. R2MFC = DSP receiving R2MFC7. CONF = DSP for conference8. MGI = MGI PortSelectable states are 0:Idle and 1:Busy. (Display will show IDLE if an option—e.g. CIDDSP—is not available.)ACTION DISPLAY1. Open programming and select 853Display shows MAINTENANCE BUSYTRK :NONE2. Press VOLUME keys to select option (e.g. STN)and press RIGHT soft key MAINTENANCE BUSYSTN :NONE3. Press VOLUME keys to select station number(e.g. 211) and press RIGHT soft key MAINTENANCE BUSYSTN :211 IDLE4. Dial 0 or 1 for IDLE/BUSY (e.g. BUSY)ORPress VOLUME keys to select and press RIGHTsoft keyMAINTENANCE BUSYSTN :211 BUSY5. Press Transfer/TRSF to store and exitORPress SPEAKER to store and advance to nextMMCDefault Data: All IDLERelated Items: MMC 851 Alarm ReportMMC 852 Assign System Alarms