SAMSUNG MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING MANUAL FEBRUARY 2004MMC 835 (Page 1 of 4)MMC: 835 VoIP DSP OPTIONSFOR: iDCS100 iDCS500 OS500 (Systems with ITM3 or MGI card)Purpose : Provides various VoIP DSP options. The options set in this MMC are systemwide. iDCS ITM3 Card & ProcedureAUDIO CODEC Selects which audio codec compression to use. Selections are G.711(64K), G.723.1 (6.4K), G.729A (8K) and G.729.ECHO CANCEL Enables or disables echo cancellation (0: disable, 1:enable). Thisfunction removes echo that is generated by voice reflection andpacket delay.SILENCE SUPPRESS Determines whether silence suppression is used (0: disable, 1: en-able). This prevents transmission during the silence period of a call.INPUT FILTER Selects input filtering of the DSP (0: disable, 1: enable). This shouldbe set to ON.OUTPUT FILTER Selects output filtering of the DSP (0: disable, 1: enable). This shouldbe set to ON.INPUT GAIN PCM input gain value of DSP. The range is -31dB to 31dB (0–63).This sets the volume of PCM voice from the VOIP DSP to the site.VOICE VOLUME Selects the voice volume. The range is -31dB to 31dB (0–63).MULTIFRAME COUNT This option selects the number of frames the ITM3 will consolidate inthe packet message. The voice packets are buffered to the set num-ber and sent as a single packet. The range is 1–12.JITTER OPTION Selects the dynamic jitter specific value. Value determines whetherthe focus is on packet loss or packet delay. The range is 00–12.RTP DELAY LIMIT Value of the delay limit. The status will change when this limit is ex-ceeded. The value is measured in milliseconds (ms). This is used todetermine network error.RTP LOSS LIMIT Value of the loss limit value. The status will change when this limit isexceeded. The value is measured in percent (%). The range is 00–25%. This is used to determine network error.RTP CHECK PERIOD Packet loss estimated base period measured in seconds. The rangeis 00–25 seconds. This is used to determine network error.RTP OVER COUNT Limit/loss limit excess count. The range is 0–3. This is used to deter-mine network error.MAX JITTER DELAY Sets maximum value for jitter buffer.MIN JITTER DELAY Sets minimum value for jitter buffer.DTMF TRANS ROUTE Determines how DTMF signals are transmitted across the network(Enabled/Disabled).FAX ERROR CORRECT Allows auto error correction of fax transmissions across the network(Yes/No)