6.5 Speed Control Mode Adjustment Procedure6-17Adjustment Item and Procedure DetailsAdjustment completedNOYESNONOYESYESNOYESIs speedometerdisplay correct? (Seenote.)Is meter displaygreater than motorspeed?Adjust C1-16 (SM ADJ ) tosmaller than current value.Adjust C1-16 (SM ADJ ) togreater than current value.Turn ON and OFF the forward rotation signal(FWD) to accelerate and decelerate the Motor.Is loadfactor display duringaccel/decel correct?(See note.)Turn OFF the FWD signalto stop the Motor.Display C1-17 data usingthe Digital Operator.Press the DATA/ENTERKey and the RESET Key atthe same time.Turn OFF the FWD signal tostop the Motor.Is the load factordisplay too large?Adjust C1-17 (LM ADJ ) tosmaller than current value.Adjust C1-17 (LM ADJ ) togreater than current value.Press the DSPL Key toreset the values.Press the UP Direction Key.(1) Speedometer signal adjustment value (C1-16)(P.U.) 0.9 1.0 1.5 (C1−16)Load factor meter display maximum value (120% of rated torquefor 30 min.) Speed ometer signalC1-16 = Actual measured motor speed/Speedometerdisplay valueExample: When motor speed = 6,000 min−1 and speedometer displayvalue = 5,940 min−1, C1-16 = 6,000/5,940 = 1.013.7/2.25.5/3.77.5/5.511/7.515/11202%178%164%176%164%LM18.5/1522/18.530/2237/3045/37148%143%164%148%146%LMCapacity CapacityC1-17 = (120% of rated torque for 30 min.)/Load factor meter displayvalueExample: When load factor meter display value = 150% at7.5 kW/5.5 kW, C1-17 = 164/150 = 1.09Load factor meter display maximum valueSignal output for load factor meter adjustment0 VDATAENTER>RESET DSPLLoad factor me-ter signal LM120% rated torquefor 30 min. signal*Load factor meter signal adjustment value (C1-17)(P.U.) 0.9 1.0 1.5 (C1−17)Load factor meter signal* When CI-38 bit 7 is ON, a 100% continuous rating signal is output.Note: Analog monitor signal (speedometer and load factor meter) adjustment is not necessary when using the NC system (M5N).6