14.1 Drives14 -13J Converter (VS-656MR5) Open Chassis TypeThe figures below show a 200 V 10 HP (7.5 kW) model.DHH1H24-dW1WMax.70mm(2.76 inches)AirAirFig 14.4 Dimensions of the ConverterTable 14.8 VS-656MR5 Dimensions and Approx. MassExternal Heatsink Cooling Type Dimensions in mm (inches)VoltageClassModel CIMR-MR5j* W H D W1 H1 H2 Approx.Masskg (Ib)d23P7100 385 324 75 370 7 5 625P5 100(3.94) 385(15.16) 324(12.76) 75(2.95) 370(14.57) 7.5(0.30) 6(13) M527P5(3.94) (15.16) (12.76) (2.95) (14.57) (0.30) (13)27P52011 16200 V 2015 150 470 324 100 455 6.516(35)M5200 Vclass 2018150(5.91) 470(18.5) 324(12.76) 100(3.94) 455(17.91) 6.5(0.26) 16 5M5class 2018 (5.91) (18.5) (12.76) (3.94) (17.91) (0.26) 16.5202216.5(36)2030 200(7.87)470(18.5)324(12.76)150(5.91)455(17.91)6.5(0.26)21.5(47) M52037 300(11.81)470(18.50)324(12.76)250(9.84)455(17.91)7(0.28)40(1.57) M645P5 100 385 324 75 370 7.5 8 M547P5100(3.94)385(15.16)324(12.76)75(2.95)370(14.57)7.5(0.30)8(18) M547P5 (3.94) (15.16) (12.76) (2.95) (14.57) (0.30) (18)4011 16400 V4015 150 470 324 100 455 6.516(35)M5400 V 4018150(5.91)470(18.5)324(12.76)100(3.94)455(17.91)6.5(0.26) 16 5M5400 Vclass 4018 (5.91) (18.5) (12.76) (3.94) (17.91) (0.26) 16.5class402216.5(36)4030250 470 324 200 455 7 304037 250(9.84) 470(18.50) 324(12.76) 200(7.87) 455(17.91) 7(0.28) 30(0.98) M64045(9.84) (18.50) (12.76) (7.87) (17.91) (0.28) (0.98)4045Note: The 2037 and 4030 to 4045 models are in development.* A: For stand-alone drive system N: for NC system14