10.1 User Constants10-3Table 10.1 User Constants (continued)Con-stantNo.Name Explanation Change*1 Unit StandardSettingUpperLimit/LowerLimitC1-13to--- --- ---toC1-15--- --- --- ---C1 16*2SpeedometerSignal Adjust-Constant to finely adjust the speed signal so that the actual speed andspeedometer display agree. When the value of SMADJ increases, Yes 1 001.50C1-16*2 Signal Adjust-ment ValueSMADJspeedometer display agree. When the value of SMADJ increases,speedometer indication also increases. A 10-V output is the standardvalue at rated speed (C1-26).Yes --- 1.000.90C1 17*2Load Meter Sig-nal AdjustmentThis constant makes fine adjustments so that the torque reference andthe load meter display agree. When the value of LMADJ increases, meter Yes 1 001.50C1-17*2 nal AdjustmentValueLMADJthe load meter display agree. When the value of LMADJ increases, meterneedle indication also increases. A 10-V output is the standard value at120% of rated torque for 30 min.Yes --- 1.000.90C1 18*2Load FactorMeter Full ScaleSets the load meter full scale value when continuous torque is taken tobe 100% The full scale value depends on machine specifications Yes % 200500C1-18*2 Meter Full ScaleLMFSbe 100%. The full scale value depends on machine specifications. Yes % 200 120C1 19Zero SpeedDetection LevelDetection level of zero-speed signal (ZSPD). Standard setting is 30min−1 Yes min−1 3060C1-19 Detection LevelZSLVLmin−1. Yes min−1 30 3C1 20Speed AgreeSignal DetectionDetection width of speed-agree signal at rated speed. Standard setting is15%. Yes % 1550C1-20 Signal DetectionWidthAGR BD15%. Yes % 1510C1 21Speed DetectionSignal LevelSpeed detection signal (SDET) activation level used for winding selec-tion Expressed as a percent of the motor rated speed (C1 26) Yes % 10100C1-21 Signal LevelSD LVLtion. Expressed as a percent of the motor rated speed (C1-26). Yes % 10 0C1 22Speed DetectionSignal DetectionHysteresis width adjustment level of speed signal detection. Duringacceleration, SDLVL + SDHYS is detected. During deceleration, Yes % 1 0010.00C1-22 Signal DetectionWidthSD HYSacceleration, SDLVL + SDHYS is detected. During deceleration,SDLVL − SDHYS is detected. Expressed as a percent of the motor ratedspeed (C1-26).Yes % 1.000.00C1 23Torque Detec-tion Signal Op-Torque detection signal (TDET) activation level used to detect abnormalloads. Expressed as a percent of the 30-minute rated torque. Hysteresis Yes % 10120C1-23 tion Signal Op-eration LevelTDLVLloads. Expressed as a percent of the 30-minute rated torque. Hysteresiswidth is limited to ±10%. Yes % 105C1 24External ControlTorque LimitTorque limit using external torque limit signals (TLL and TLH).Expressed as a percent of the 30 minute rated torque Yes % 10120C1-24 Torque LimitLevel TLEXTExpressed as a percent of the 30-minute rated torque. Yes % 10 5C1 25Motor CodeSelection MTRSelect applicable motor from the motor codes stored in Inverter memo-ry. Expressed in 3-digit hexadecimal (0 to F). When the motor code is No1FFC1-25 Selection MTR ry. Expressed in 3-digit hexadecimal (0 to F). When the motor code ischanged, be sure to turn OFF the power once; and then turn it ON againafter verifying that the Digital Operator display has gone OFF.No --- ---001C1-26Rated SpeedS 100Rated speed set according to load machine specifications. Must not begreater than the motor maximum speed. When speed reference is 100%,hi d i li d No min−1 Max.speedMax.speedC1 26 100 g p p ,this speed is applied. No min speed 100C1 27Gear Ratio 1(H)Gear ratio determined by mechanical specifications. This parameter isvalid when H gear is selected (i e HGR and MGR are OFF) No 1 00002.5000C1-27 (H)R HGRvalid when H gear is selected (i.e., HGR and MGR are OFF).Gear ratio = Load shaft speed ÷ Motor speedNo --- 1.0000 0.0400C1 28Gear Ratio 2(M)Gear ratio determined by mechanical specifications. This parameter isvalid when M gear is selected (i e MGR is ON) No 1 00002.5000C1-28 (M)R MGRvalid when M gear is selected (i.e., MGR is ON).Gear ratio = Load shaft speed ÷ Motor speedNo --- 1.0000 0.0400C1 29Gear Ratio 3 (L)R LGRGear ratio determined by mechanical specifications. This parameter isvalid when L gear is selected (i e LGR is ON) No 1 00002.5000C1-29 RLGR valid when L gear is selected (i.e., LGR is ON).Gear ratio = Load shaft speed ÷ Motor speedNo --- 1.0000 0.0400C1 30Motor FluxLower LimitSet value of motor flux lower limit level at reduction controlNo % 15100C1-30 Lower LimitLevelφWLNo % 151510