Control Constants10-4Table 10.1 User Constants (continued)Con-stantNo.Name Explanation Change*1 Unit StandardSettingUpperLimit/LowerLimitC1 31Servo ModeFlux Level (H)Motor flux level when high-speed gear is selected (i.e., MGR and LGRare OFF) or when high speed winding is selected (i e CHW is OFF) in No % 70100C1-31 Flux Level (H)φSVHare OFF) or when high-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW is OFF) inservo mode (i.e., SV is OFF). No % 70 30C1 32Servo ModeBase Speed Ra-i (H)Base speed ratio when high-speed gear is selected (i.e., MGR and LGRare OFF) or when high-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW is OFF) ind (i SV i ON) No 1 005.00C1-32 ptio (H)R BSH) g p g ( , )servo mode (i.e., SV is ON).Base speed (Servo) = R BSH × Base speed (Motor)No --- 1.001.00C1 33Servo ModeFlux Level (M,Motor flux level when low-speed gear is selected (i.e., MGR or LGR isON) or when low-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW is ON) in servo No % 70100C1-33 Flux Level (M,L)φSVLON) or when low speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW is ON) in servomode (i.e., SV is ON). No % 7030C1 34Servo ModeBase Speed Ra-i (M L)Base speed ratio when low-speed gear is selected (i.e., MGR or LGR isON) or when low-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW is ON) in servod (i SV i ON) No 1 005.00C1-34 ptio (M, L)R BSL) p g ( , )mode (i.e., SV is ON).Base speed (Servo) = R BSL × Base speed (Motor)No --- 1.001.00C1 35Zero-speedBraking TimeTime for generating braking force after deceleration and zero-speed isreached to stop No sec 0100C1-35 Braking TimeTBLKreached to stop. No sec 0 0C1-36Signal Selec-tions 1SEL1*4Selections for multi-functional signals and other selections.*3S Bits 1 and 0: 6CN pin 1100: TLL 01: −−−10: INC 11: −−−S Bit 2: 6CN pin 100: TLH 1: −−−S Bit 3: 6CN pin 120: SSC 1: SVS Bit 4: 6CN pin 15*20: PPI 1: LM10S Bit 7: 1CN 12-bit digital reference signal selection*20: Digital speed reference1: Orientation control stop position referenceNo --- 00000000 ---C1-37Signal Selec-tions 2SEL2*4Selections for multi-functional signals and other selections.*3S Bits 1 and 0: RUN mode selection00: Operation by speed reference11: Operation by Digital OperatorS Bit 2: 6CN pin 60: RDY 1: EMG2S Bits 7 and 6: Digital speed reference selection*200: 2-digit BCD01: 12-bit binary10: 3-digit BCD11: Internal speed settingNo --- 01000000 ---10