Control Constants10-210.1 User ConstantsThe user constants are listed in the following table.Table 10.1 User ConstantsCon-stantNo.Name Explanation Change*1 Unit StandardSettingUpperLimit/LowerLimitC1 01Speed ControlProportionalG i (H)Speed control proportional gain when high-speed gear is selected (i.e.,MGR and LGR are OFF) or when high-speed winding is selected (i.e.,CHW i OFF) I i K i i idi Yes %/Hz 30255C1-01 pGain (H)KVHN) g p g ( ,CHW is OFF). Increasing K VHN increases rigidity.Torque reference P = KVHN × Speed toleranceYes %/Hz 301C1 02Speed ControlIntegral Time(H)Speed control integral time constant when high-speed gear is selected(i.e., MGR and LGR are OFF) or when high-speed winding is selected(i CHW i OFF) R d i i k Yes ms 6001000C1-02 g(H)τVHN( , ) g p g(i.e., CHW is OFF). Reducing τVHN quickens response.Torque reference I = Torque reference P × Time/τVHNYes ms 6005C1 03Speed ControlProportionalGain (M, L)Speed control proportional gain when low-speed is selected (i.e., MGRor LGR is ON) or when low-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW isON). Yes %/Hz 30255C1-03 Gain (M, L)KVLNON).Increasing KVLN increases rigidity.Torque reference P = KVLN × Speed toleranceYes %/Hz 301C1 04Speed ControlIntegral TimeConstant (M, L)Speed control integral time constant when low-speed gear is selected(i.e., MGR or LGR is ON) or when low-speed winding is selected (i.e.,CHW is ON). Yes ms 6001000C1-04 Constant (M, L)τVLNCHW is ON).Reducing τVLN quickens response.Torque reference I = Torque reference P × Time/τVLNYes ms 6005C1 05Speed ControlProportionalG i (H)Speed proportional gain when high-speed gear is selected (i.e., MGR andLGR are OFF) or when high-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHW isOFF) i d (i SV i ON) Yes %/Hz 40255C1-05 pGain (H)KVHS) g p g ( ,OFF) in servo mode (i.e., SV is ON).Torque reference P = KVHS × Speed toleranceYes %/Hz 401C1 06Speed ControlIntegral TimeC (H)Speed control integral time constant when high-speed gear is selected(i.e., MGR and LGR are OFF) or when high-speed winding is selected(i CHW i OFF) i d (i SV i ON) Yes ms 1001000C1-06 gConstant (H)τVHS( , ) g p g(i.e., CHW is OFF) in servo mode (i.e., SV is ON).Torque reference I = Torque reference P × Time/τVHSYes ms 1005C1 07Speed ControlProportionalG i (M L)Speed control proportional gain when low-speed gear is selected (i.e.,MGR or LGR is ON) or when low-speed winding is selected (i.e., CHWi ON) i d (i SV i ON) Yes %/Hz 40255C1-07 pGain (M, L)KVLS) p g ( ,is ON) in servo mode (i.e., SV is ON).Torque reference P = KVLS × Speed toleranceYes %/Hz 401C1 08Speed ControlIntegral TimeC (M L)Speed control integral time constant when low-speed gear is selected(i.e., MGR or LGR is ON) or when low-speed winding is selected (i.e.,CHW i ON) i d (i SV i ON) Yes ms 1001000C1-08 gConstant (M, L)τVLS( , ) p g ( ,CHW is ON) in servo mode (i.e., SV is ON).Torque reference I = Torque reference P × Time/τVLSYes ms 1005C1 09Torque Refer-enceFilter TimeTime constant of low-pass filter for torque reference for gear chatteringnoise. Increasing the time constant may cause run-away depending onconditions Yes ms 1 05.0C1-09 Filter TimeConstantτTconditions. Yes ms 1.00.0C1 10Soft Start TimeSetting TSFSSetting of time required for soft starter. Variations in speed references aresuppressed according to the speed change ratio of the set time. Startingi f i b i d f ll Yes sec 0 1180.0C1-10 g SFS pp g p g gtime from at rest state is obtained as follows:Starting time = TSFS × Speed reference (%)/100Yes sec 0.10.1C1 11*2Speed Refer-ence Offset Ad-Offset adjustment to analog reference. Set the value of U1-15 when oper-ating using speed reference 0 in C1-11. Yes 080C1-11*2 ence Offset Adjustment ValueSC OFSating using speed reference 0 in C1 11. Yes --- 0−80C1 12*2Motor SpeedAdjustment Val-Constant to adjust motor speed over analog speed reference. When thevalue of S ADJ increases, speed increases, and when the value of SADJ Yes 1 00001.1000C1-12*2 Adjustment ValueS ADJvalue of S ADJ increases, speed increases, and when the value of S ADJdecreases, speed decreases. Disabled when using digital speed reference. Yes --- 1.00000.900010