Specifications14.1.3 Dimensions14 -12J Converter (VS-656MR5) External Heatsink Cooling TypeThe figures below show a 200 V 10 HP (7.5 kW) model.Max.70mm(2.76 inches)DH1HW1W4-dH2D1 D2AirAirFig 14.3 Dimensions of the ConverterTable 14.7 VS-656MR5 Dimensions and Approx. MassExternal Heatsink Cooling Type Dimensions in mm (inches)VoltageClassModel CIMR-MR5j* W H D W1 H1 H2 D1 D2 Approx.Masskg (Ib)d23P7100 350 320 75 330 10 190 130 525P5 100(3.94) 350(13.78) 320(12.6) 75(2.95) 330(12.99) 10(0.39) 190(7.48) 130(5.12) 5(11) M527P5(3.94) (13.78) (12.6) (2.95) (12.99) (0.39) (7.48) (5.12) (11)27P52011200 V 2015 150 350 320 100 330 10 190 130 12 M5200 Vclass 2018150(5.91) 350(13.78) 320(12.6) 100(3.94) 330(12.99) 10(0.39) 190(7.48) 130(5.12) 12(26) M5class 2018 (5.91) (13.78) (12.6) (3.94) (12.99) (0.39) (7.48) (5.12) (26)20222030 200(7.87)350(13.78)320(12.6)150(5.91)330(12.99)10(0.39)190(7.48)130(5.12)16(35) M52037 300(11.8)350(13.78)320(12.6)250(9.84)330(12.99)10(0.39)190(7.48)130(5.12)26(57.3) M645P5 100 350 320 75 330 10 190 130 7 M547P5100(3.94)350(13.78)320(12.6)75(2.95)330(12.99)10(0.39)190(7.48)130(5.12)7(15) M54011400 V4015 150 350 320 100 330 10 190 130 12 M5400 V 4018150(5.91)350(13.78)320(12.6)100(3.94)330(12.99)10(0.39)190(7.48)130(5.12)12(26) M5400 Vclass 4018 (5.91) (13.78) (12.6) (3.94) (12.99) (0.39) (7.48) (5.12) (26)class40224030250 350 320 200 330 10 190 130 214037 250 350 320 200 330 10 190 130 21 M54037 250(9.84) 350(13.78) 320(12.6) 200(7.87) 330(12.99) 10(0.39) 190(7.48) 130(5.12) 21(46) M54045(9.84) (13.78) (12.6) (7.87) (12.99) (0.39) (7.48) (5.12) (46)* A: For stand-alone drive system N: for NC system14