OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Operating and Functional Elements of Optional Components Axio Scope.A1106 M60-2-0007 e 05/08Binocular photo tube (100/100)The photo port (7 1 0 H 7 1 0 H Fig. 4-32/1) of the binocular tubemay serve for mounting a reflex camera, amicroscope camera or a video camera with the aidof appropriate adapters. Using the shift knob, thelight can be directed to the eyepieces or to themounted camera.− Shift knob (711H711HFig. 4-32/2) in forward position(eye symbol):100 % light to the eyepieces.− Shift knob (712H712HFig. 4-32/2) in backward position(camera symbol):100 % light to the camera.− Push rod (7 1 3 H 7 1 3 H Fig. 4-32/3) pushed in:Eyepiece shutter is closed− Push rod (7 1 4 H 7 1 4 H Fig. 4-32/3) pulled out:Eyepiece shutter is open.− Whenever you want to take photos with along exposure time, we advise that you blockout any eventual residual light in theeyepieces by using the tube shutter or theeyepiece cover (included in the dustprotection kit). If neither is available, removethe eyepiece and place the included dustprotection caps over the eyepiece barrels!− Variable eyepiece distance by moving theeyepiece barrels apart or together.− Variable viewing height by moving theeyepiece barrels up (715H715HFig. 4-33/A) or down(7 1 6 H 7 1 6 H Fig. 4-33/B).Fig. 4-32 Binocular photo tubeFig. 4-33 Adjusting the viewing height onthe binocular tube