Carl Zeiss Copyright / Trademark Axio Scope.A12 M60-2-0007 e 05/08A thorough knowledge of these instructions is mandatory in order to operate the machine. Pleasefamiliarize yourself with the content and follow the safety instructions by all means.We reserve the right to make changes in the interest of further technical development. The manual is notsubject to updating.© Passing on and reproduction of this document, utilization and notice of its content are notpermitted unless explicitly allowed. Noncompliance is bound to indemnity.All rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.Brands and names indicated in this manual may be trademarks of other companies. These brands andnames are mentioned only for information and do not express any approval or recommendation by us.Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH cannot assume any liability for the performance or the use of thesebrands.Published by: Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbHPO Box 4041, D - 37030 GoettingenTelephone: +49 551 5060 660Telefax: +49 551 5060 464E-mail: micro@zeiss.dewww.zeiss.deNumber of the manual: M60-2-0007 eIssue date: Version 6 – 13-05-2008